Seeking Discomfort

Seeking discomfort is a quote that i extracted directly out of a YouTube channel that inspired me and many others to let go , break loose and be free finally , it gave me the ability to create bonds with people , make friendships and stop hesitating of either should i start the conversation or shall i let them initiate it . Human being is a simple kind and form of life , a kind who is made to interact , to share , to love and care for each other.
The more discomfort you introduce into your life , the more your comfort zone will
expand , and believe me this is a whole lot more valuable than any cozy night on the

So many products and technologies today aim to increase our comfort. No, I’m not about to complain about indoor plumbing, washing machines, and microwaves . But I will suggest that these and other amazing innovations have confused us. When everything is geared to be more comfortable and easier, we begin to think that we need that in all areas of our lives. But comfort has a downside, or rather, discomfort has a counterintuitive upside!
Taking as an example the famous smartphone that is meant to keep people “connected” and that term for me is completely ruined and destroyed by these technologies that seeks mostly of making the interactions digital instead of meeting up on a cup of coffee or a picnic , and i know that asking you to do something that’s not that easy or doable for some but Why then, do so many people suggest stepping outside of comfort? There must be something about it that benefits us.

  Benefits of leaving your comfort zone :

Let’s go ahead and start with the basic benefits that “leaving your comfort zone” gives you :

  1. This rather called extension of your lifestyle delivers a boost to your confidence like none seen before, it gives you that adrenaline boost that eliminates eventually any feeling of scare or anxiety, For example, if you choose to avoid situations that make you anxious, you are choosing anxiety, and strengthening anxiety’s ability to control you. If you choose to avoid opportunities that trigger self-doubt, you are choosing self-doubt and convincing self-doubt is the right thing to think of.
  2. Expanding your knowledge is very important to a person in order to achieve self-development; it helps the human being become more “civilized”, more brilliant, and unstoppable.  I mean every single small bit, dark corner of a city or a town. imagine speaking over 5 languages fluently, how will that make you look in front of people. mark my words, it will surely make you pop, even if you let the standing out thing slide, this experience will make you feel good about yourself. cause it's not true what they talk about people you know. They are not very bad. A person will not judge on a scale for what you're capable of, or your appearance. However, on a scale of what u are willing to learn, willing to know. it’s another whole wide world out there for you to discover, then why not do it, why not walking up to an African man lost in all white people, land and just show him the way, get his name, his Facebook, even a number, contact him later so you could learn from him as he from you, the "no talk to strangers" issue is implanted in a person from his early ages, from the community they're living in, and that what made a bad person bad ,and a good person good, life is all about risks, you have to take them in order to know them, cause myself talking to you, I'm not a perfect example of what I'm writing its just a public statement of you going out there and talking to people so you can be finally free, with nothing holding you back and really start living your life on an edge.
  3. Knowledge can come in various forms. it can be cultured for example, I highly recommend going out to places not usually visited by people and knowing their culture, it gives you the chance even to brag about being the first to go out and really seeing what that country has to offer from food to traditions and just soaking your soul deep into their habits and lifestyle.

  How could you exit your comfort zone :

Basic exercises that will mostly help you expand your comfort zone :

1.   Unplug tech gadgets for No-Tech Sundays.
2.    Find a new hobby associated with physical movement.
3.   Find a role model who overcame big hurdles to do what you want to do.
4.   Get intentionally lost and try to find your way back using maps. (be careful please lol)
5.Moreover, for sure the one to do is: Get close , talk to people and interact.

Youtube channels inspired me to stay positive no matter what :


Cory Richards talks about it in his film A Tribute To Discomfort, in which he describes some of the more uncomfortable moments in his photography career, including the avalanche that almost buried him on Gasherbrum II in 2011. Art Davidson titled his book about the 1967 first winter ascent of Denali “Minus 148 Degrees,” for the low temperature the team experienced in what became a battle for survival, and years later said in an interview, “it’s not just about a mountain in winter, but about having a dream; about taking on a great challenge and then struggling as hard as you can to reach your goal—or to survive.”

whritten by Mouhib Ben Gayes 


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