

Motivation What is motivation ? For me, motivation is the Internal and  external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to attain a goal. Motivation results from the interaction of both conscious and unconscious factors such as the intensity of desire or need, incentive or reward value of the goal, and expectations of the individual and of his or her peers. These factors are the reasons one has for behaving a certain way. An example is a student that spends extra time studying for a test because he or she wants a better grade in the class. Advantages of being motivated : - Achieve our goals -Having positive vibes - With motivation, you can answer the question why we live? Productivity:  with motivation, you increase the production in your job Creation and innovation: the motivation develop you skills in imagination and creativity, you can

Seeking Discomfort

Seeking discomfort is a quote that i extracted directly out of a YouTube channel that inspired me and many others to let go , break loose and be free finally , it gave me the ability to create bonds with people , make friendships and stop hesitating of either should i start the conversation or shall i let them initiate it . Human being is a simple kind and form of life , a kind who is made to interact , to share , to love and care for each other. The more discomfort you introduce into your life , the more your comfort zone will expand , and believe me this is a whole lot more valuable than any cozy night on the couch.   So many products and technologies today aim to increase our comfort. No, I’m not about to complain about indoor plumbing, washing machines, and microwaves . But I will suggest that these and other amazing innovations have confused us. When everything is geared to be more comfortable and easier, we begin to think that we need that in all are


DEPRESSION Depression. Hm...a destructive feeling to be in. But have you ever been depressed?  Or how do you know if you are? Or when does it come? Well to be fair, you can't answer these straight away, it's not a one answer type of question. What is Depression ? Depression is when you wake up in the morning not having anything or any plans on  your mind and you just think of when you can go back to bed already. It's losing the  motivation to do anything and everything, even the smallest tasks become major  problems when you're depressed. It's when you really believe that there's nothing that  can make you happy again, it's not that your life is that bad or anything, there's just  nothing to be happy about . It's when you always go to bed so late to overthink and  wake up in the morning tired as hell but you keep doing it every night anyways.  When you can never get enough sleep because

Online Advertising

Online advertising Introduction : Advertising is a marketing activity where you disseminate information about your company, brand, or goods with the goal of attracting attention to what you are advertising, creating and sustaining interest in that particular thing. Online advertising is defined as the various forms of advertising which are delivered through the Internet, both desktop and mobile . The history of online advertising: On October 27, 1994, the world of advertising was forever transformed by a small graphic bearing the presumptive words, " Have you ever clicked your mouse right here? You will, " in a kitschy rainbow font. The age of banner ads had officially begun. But things have changed quite a bit in the last quarter century. Just take a look at the first banner ad!    The importance of online advertising: Online advertising has evolved into a significant economic sector with steadily growing turnover figures, as several studies in

Le Cloud Computing

Le Cloud Computing Pour faire simple, le cloud computing est un ensemble de services informatiques (serveurs, stockage, bases de données, composants réseau, logiciels, outils d’analyse, etc.) fournis via Internet (le cloud). Les sociétés qui proposent ces services informatiques sont appelées fournisseurs de services cloud. Elles facturent en général ces services en fonction de l’utilisation, un peu comme votre facture d’eau ou d’électricité. Vous ne comprenez toujours pas très bien comment fonctionne le cloud computing et comment l’utiliser ? Cet article est là  pour vous aider à comprendre les principaux termes et concepts de cloud computing . Qu'est-ce que le cloud computing ? Le cloud (ou nuage en anglais), vous permet d'accéder à vos données (comme par exemple vos photos enregistrées sur un serveur distant) sur n'importe quel ordinateur relié à Internet, partout sur la planète ! Tout comme il permet à une entreprise de pr